Girls Inc. Economic Literacy®
Girls learn to manage money, invest, and begin to develop an appreciation for global economics. Girls as young as six explore how the economy affects us locally and globally and develop skills needed to be economically independent. Girls learn these skills through four age-appropriate components: She’s on the Money!SM; Dollars, Sense, and MeSM; Equal Earners, Savvy SpendersSM, and Futures and OptionsSM.
Girls Inc. Friendly PEERsuasion®
Girls develop skills to resist pressure to use harmful substances such as alcohol, tobacco, household chemicals, and other drugs. In this peer-education program, girls ages 11 to 14 learn healthy ways to manage stress and confront peer, media, and other pressures and then assume the roles of PEERsuaders for young girls. The program is available in Spanish as Persuasión Positiva.
Girls Inc. Leadership and Community Action
Girls build their leadership skills and create lasting social change through community action projects. In DiscoverySM, girls ages 9 to 11 celebrate the heritage of girls and women as leaders and develop awareness of themselves as community resources and trustees of the common good. In In Our Own HandsSM, girl ages 12 to 14 deepen their understanding of girls and women as social change agents and of leadership as a collective process grounded in belonging to and having responsibility for one's community.
Girls Inc. Media Literacy®
Girls increase their awareness of the scope and power of the media and the effects of media messages on girls and women. They learn to analyze critically what they see and hear in the media, advocate for change in entertainment, news, and advertising media, and create images that are more realistic and reflective of their lives. Components of the program include: Media and MeSM, Media SmartsSM, Girls Take Another LookSM, Girls Get the MessageSM, and Girls Make the MessageSM.
Girls Inc. Operation SMART®
Girls develop enthusiasm for and skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Through hands-on activities, girls explore, ask questions, and solve problems. They also consider careers in these fields by interacting with women and men pursuing such careers. Components of the program include: Eureka!SM; Girls Dig It; Career Action, and Thinking SMART.
Girls Inc. Preventing Adolescent Pregnancy®
Girls acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to take charge of and to make informed, thoughtful decisions about their sexual health. Girls learn to identify ways and reasons to avoid early pregnancy and to prevent sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. The program comprises three age-appropriate components: Growing TogetherSM; Will Power/Won’t PowerSM; and Taking Care of BusinessSM. Growing TogetherSM and Will Power/Won’t PowerSM are available in Spanish as Crecer Juntas and Querer/Poder Decir "No."
Girls Inc. Project BOLD®
Girls learn to lead safer lives by developing skills and strategies for self-defense, including physical techniques. Girls also learn how to seek out and talk to caring adults about personal violence and to advocate against gender-specific violence issues. Components of the program include: Action for SafetySM and Living Safe & StrongSM.
Girls Inc. Sporting Chance®
Girls learn to appreciate an active lifestyle as they develop movement and athletic skills, cooperative and competitive spirit, health awareness, and interest in sports and adventure. Girls also explore career opportunities related to sports and experience the benefits and excitement of taking healthy risks. Through three age-appropriate components—SteppingstonesSM, BridgesSM, and Girls enCourageSM —girls build a foundation for a lifetime of enjoying physical activity and participation in sports and adventure.